I believe Bodywork, Coaching, and Practitioner Mentoring are gathered under what I term—the Service Arts. I’m of the opinion that every person has an ability to be a bodywork practitioner. It’s simply, and sometimes not-so-simply, a matter of being wholly present in a moment of someone else’s experience.

Along the way, I’ve been given tools by several incredibly art-full and mindful teachers. From their mentorship, I evolved my practice to include what I learned and what came to me from working with clients. Access to this latter information is offered to individual practitioners and those in group settings, with the intent of increasing the availability of evolving therapeutic approaches.

As an old-er person, there will come a day when I will be on a porch somewhere watching nature evolve. It will be comforting to know there are Service Artists caring for our human community with tools handed down from one practitioner to another.